Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"The Dress"

Despite holdups with DHS, we are still holding onto hope that the big day will be here soon. To get ready, Madi tried on "The Dress" that Megan has been telling her about it such lavish detail. Madi was all for it. Really, what little girl wouldn't want to dress like a princess for a day?!
We got the dress on her and her face was shining. But then... something began to happen. Her face began to wrinkle... her shoulders began to sag... you could almost see the dream of being a princess evaporate from her mind. Carefully, we took the dress off, hung it lovingly on the hanger and placed it in it's sacred spot in the closet to wait for the big day.
That's when Madi ever so carefully asked the question. "Do I have to wear that dress?" I should have known. The dress that had been such a hit with our fashion diva Megan, wasn't quite what no-nonsense Madi could tolerate. After a little more question and answer, it was the scratchy netting under the skirt that she didn't like. So we'll find something else for her wear. Hopefully something that will go with the scraped knees and resist whatever sweet she gets her hands on that day.
So here is a photo of Madi wearing "The Dress". We probably will never see her wear it again.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Aunt Jeni's Blankies

Aunt Jeni was so sweet and made Megan a special blanket to take to Kindergarten for rest time.
So when it came time for Madi to go to Kindergarten, nothing else would do but a special blanket from Aunt Jeni.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Off to school again

Monday, Aug. 20, was the first day of school. Madi was really excited to go and see her friends again. She even had her speech ready for when anyone challenged her on her name change. Megan, on the other hand, wasn't to thrilled. First grade is a lot of work you know.

I'm sure that being away from her friends all summer made it all seem new and scary again. They both did great though. We got the usual run down of what happened on the big day - "we played, we ate, played some more, then came home and told you about it."

5 and 6 years old and they're already humoring us!! Ah to be young again!!

Where to start?

Well hello. This is my feeble attempt at better communication with family and friends. I am planning on putting up photos of the kids and letting you know what is going on in our lives. Please feel free to comment at any time. We look forwarding to hearing from you!!