Sunday, September 30, 2007


On Saturday Megan & Madison had their birthday party for friends and of course it wouldn't be complete if Grandpa, Aunt Jeni & Jordan didn't joined in the fun. Grandma would have been there too but she wasn't feeling well. Grandma did make the cake and gave Aunt Jeni instructions on how to finish it but Grandma could have done so much better.

After cake & ice cream, we opened presents then went outside to play.....

Another year, another good party!
by Aunt Jeni(photographer)

Thursday, September 27, 2007


The girls spent the afternoon playing outside in the wonderful weather! Of course they found time for a few dozen photos as well!!


Tuesday we signed the petition for adoption and have been told that we will have a finalization date soon.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hope you don't mind.

Megan & Madi are always ready for a picture to be taken and Uncle Jason is always ready to take the picture. Last weekend we were all together for Cindy & Jeff's wedding and the girls were in picture posing mode. Uncle Jason snapped these photos of the girls that just have to be shared. "SMILE"
by Aunt Jeni (9/12/07)

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Kitten Who Found Her Mittens!!

This afternoon I was looking out the window and noticed that instead of TWO black cats on the deck, we suddenly had THREE. Our new friend has a couple interesting characteristics! Take a look at both of her front paws.

Our newest member

I know, I know!! We really don't need ANOTHER dog! If you know us at all, you know that we have a huge soft spot for animals! This little guy (Kooper) needed a home, so of course we took him. He is a 3-year-old AKC registered purebred Pomeranian sweet heart!!

Everyone knows how much I loved Kobi and how heartbroken I was went she passed. There isn't a dog on earth that could ever take Kobi's place, but this one comes pretty close. They are so much alike in looks and personality.