Friday, November 16, 2007

Inside the craziness...

Well, things here are starting to calm down. We've gotten through birthdays, Halloween and Adoption Day. Just two more events and we'll be ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas!! The girls like to do countdowns and with all of the special events going on lately, they are getting really good at counting backwards!

This Sunday, Madi is being baptized at our church in McCallsburg and then we will be going to a "shower" at Aunt Cheryl's house. (Fitting that it is on National Adoption Day) Madi isn't too good at remembering names yet, but she is sure excited to "go to Aunt Cheryl's house!"

Aunt Jeni did a nice job taking photos at the adoption and getting them posted on here for everyone to see, but... I think this one is the sweetest. Madi has slept with that quilt and bear every night. She loves anything that she can call "MINE".

At least once a day now, Madi comes to me and says so sincerely, "I just love you so much. I don't know why, but I just do." What could you possibly say to that?!

We are so truly blessed to have two sweet girls. Even when they drive us nuts, that sweetness is still there... somewhere. : )