Saturday, November 1, 2008

One of our favorite times of year!! Both John and I love taking the girls trick-or-treating!
This year, we went to Zearing and had a great time walking in the beautiful weather from house to house.


Megan's 8th birthday was in October. And again, I made the cupcakes for school and the cake for here at home.
Since her birthday was on a Sunday, Gramma and Grampa came down from Waverly for pizza and cake. It was such a beautiful day, so we went outside to play.
Grampa even showed the girls that he can do a kartwheel!! Scared the rest of us to death, but they thought that was pretty cool!!

Madi's 7th birthday was in September so mom went out on a limb and not only made cupcakes for her to take to school, but also made a cake for home.
I decided to try something new and actually remembered to put the eggs in this year!! For decoration, I used m&m's and candy corn to make the tops of the cupcakes into flowers which seemed to be a hit.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Megan's Moon

Megan hasn't been feeling 100% lately
due to the surgery to remove her tonsils and
adnoids. She came to me the other night
telling me how beautiful the moon must be
outside. She could see it through the window,
but the view was partly blocked by tree limbs.
Megan asked if I could go out and take a
photo of it for her so she could see what it
looks like without the trees. So here is
Megan's Moon.

Family Inspires Work

As many of you may know, I work as a graphic designer for a family of newspapers. Sometimes I know exactly what I want, but when I can't find the pieces to make it happen - I have to go out and create them myself. These two pieces, I refer to as "Grampa's fiddle" and "Papa's hat". I thought they were kinda cool.

The fiddle was given to me a LONG time ago by
my Grandpa Dale. The hat is actually Megan's, but it reminds
me of Dad.
Remember when he wore his hat everyday -

Sunday, July 20, 2008

4th of July weekend

I love going to Waverly for the 4th of July weekend. It's a time to see people you haven't seen since the year before, picnics, bugs and family. (Try not to confuse the last two)

I don't know who had more fun, the kids or Gramma and Papa. Gramma and Papa were suppose to work on cleaning things up from the flood while I watched the kids, but it didn't really work out that way.
They started to clean things up - enough so the kids could drag out every toy in the house - and then they were sucked in by the grandkids! They even managed to get TWO trips to Kids' Kingdom, Dairy Queen and Pizza Ranch! Everyone had a good time though. I think Gramma and Papa needed a little fun time with the grandkids after so many weeks of flood clean-up.

Where has the summer gone?

It seems like the summer just started and now it's almost over. The girls are starting to think about going back to school - hard to believe my kids are going to be in first and second grades. What happened to my little PRESCHOOLERS??

We have been trying to enjoy the pool between all the rain, the mutant algae and the swarms of bugs. Although the water was a bit green, it didn't deter the girls from going in while John was attempting to clean it. I, on the other hand, resisted temptation. We are hoping to get in it more often before Labor Day weekend.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Playing Hooky!

Today the girls and I played hooky! We went to Boone for my eye doctor's appointment and then met up with my friend Steph (Roelfs) and her boys at McDonald's. Madi seemed to really like Caleb. Watch out Lucas!! : )

Friday, May 9, 2008

A summary...

Here are a few photos that have been taken over the past few months. I haven't been very good at updating this blog, but I'm going to try to be better.

For Grandma's 60th birthday (Yes Grandma... I said it!! 60th!!) we all got together in Waterloo for lunch. Madi's favorite part is creating her own desert, complete with worms!!

Megan was in a school play - "The Grouchy Ladybug" - the book is by Eric Carl. Megan played the Praying Mantis and the Whale. She did a great job and the class was even pictured in the local newspaper! The photographer and designer for that paper is a pure genius!! She deserves a raise!! ; )

We took a family photo since we don't have one with Madi in it. Of course we got a little silly in several of the shots, but this silly one is my personal favorite.

I can hear Grandma now...

John's poor Focus was wearing down pretty fast and with our growing family, we decided it was time to trade. After a few weeks of research and looking around, John finally found what he wanted at a good deal. As usual, we all headed outside to "say goodbye" to the car.

Megan and Madi just had to sit in the front seat one time before the swap. So now both John and I drive vehicles that will seat seven. The girls are quick to point out that "now we can get three more kids!!"

Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's March already! Where does the time go? As you can see from the photo, the girls are still losing teeth!! Madi lost another one just yesterday and Megan has one that is almost ready. The toothfairy is really making a bundle off us!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas "Angels"

They finally made it through Christmas. Lots of family, Lots of presents,,,,,,to much of Lots! Aunt Jeni just thought she would share some of the pictures captured of the girls with everyone.

(Megan & Aunt Cheryl wait for packages on Christmas Eve)

(Madison waits for lunch at the Nielsen Christmas in Waverly)