Friday, December 4, 2009

Madi's special outing

This past summer, I took each child on a one-on-one outing.
When Madi's turn came around, I had purchased two tickets to "Glamour Shots" a fundraiser that the Nevada Cheerleaders were holding. This may seem odd since Madi is our tomboy, but she really did shine!!

So many people tell us that she looks like Dakota Fanning(?) from "I am Sam". She loved having curly hair and getting to put on all the fancy clothes. Her photos were wonderful but they are so outragously expensive!!!!


Halloween!! The kids went thru gramma's wonderful costumes and each found a costume that they wanted to wear. We went into Zearing and went Trick or Treating.
They all did wonderfully and got more than enough candy!! We even found one house that had a "Haunted House set up in their garage. The kids loved it and could have spent all night going thru again and again!!


Thanksgiving was once again spent here at our house in the wonderful company of mom and dad. The kids absolutely love having gramma & grampa here!
We all ate way too much and yet had too many leftovers!!! Grampa managed to fall asleep while watching a movie. Madi was his teddy bear & loved it!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Aunt Jeni Shares photos.

I am hoping that the Heim's don't mind but I am going to share some pictures I took of the kids this weekend. We had a great weekend playing and getting to know the kids just a little bit better.

Grandma, Grandpa and all the Grandkids.

Following are the kids as they were on the float this weekend in Waverly.

After the parade we headed back to the house for some play time.

Madison playing with the Barbies.

Some of the other kids join in the Barbie fun.

Darrian tried for most of the weekend to master the po-go stick.

Here is a lady that I completley admire. Not many people have the patience to take on one child, let alone five children all with their own special need. I know you have your days when you wonder what in the world you are doing but I also hope you know that you are doing a wonderful thing, and I know I couldn't do it.

We had a great weekend with everyone. I am hoping we can do it again soon.

Maybe I will find my patience next time.
by Aunt Jeni

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Well, it's official. On Friday, February 20th Josie, Darrian and Serine moved in. It was a bit overwhelming for all of us, but we made it through our first week and are beginning to get into a routine.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's been awhile since our last post. I'll go back in time for a moment. On January 24th, John and I went to meet 3 very special kids that are in need of a mom and dad.

The following weekend, they came to the house. All 7 of us went to "Peter Pan" (the play).
It's been 4 weeks now. Despite your typical sibling spats, things are going well.